Dark matter makes up about 80% of all known matter. Except in NGC 1277, for some reason.
Bonus: How to make your bed. Yes, seriously.
Nessie is a monster, all right, but also a stellar mommy
JWST continues to impress, with observations that complement those taken by other observatories and breaking new ground as well.
Getting whacked by the DART spacecraft has caused boulders to fly off of a tiny asteroid moon
Beware of Trojan gas clouds bearing exoplanets
Like white dwarfs aren’t bizarre enough, a newly discovered one is one half hydrogen and one half helium
Massive planets scorched by their host stars don’t necessarily destroy their solar systems
Also, I’m writing more articles for Scientific American, so yay!
We think of the aurora as being something we can see in visible light, but that ain’t always so.
Not what you expected? Well then, let me change your world view.
Well, the light from this eruption reached us 200 years ago. And it was a doozy. Like, a huge belch.