“Cosmic Tornado” seen clearly in new images. Also: Light pollution in central Virginia
Power saving activated for far-flung probes; Gaia and Hubble team up
Dark energy is probably doing something weird, and we don’t know why
Spring is here, and NGC 918 gets its show stolen
The spacecraft took some pretty cool shots of the tiny, lumpy moon
Also, come see me at GalaxyCon in Richmond, Virginia, March 27-29!
The nearest solo star in the Universe has four planets orbiting it, and I still love “Lost in Space”
Links and info about the March 13/14 event, and a cool graph shows how predicted risk drops
The national rally was fantastic, but the attacks won’t stop
Firefly’s lander made a dynamite video of its descent, and my ruminations over skepticism
The planet K2-360b is likely metal, and the crater image is too.
Astronomers used a new technique to find the building-sized rocks, the smallest ever seen at that distance