After many dry years Colorado is drought free. And speaking of climate, how some yummy 100% solar powered Hawaiian chocolate?
The summer of 1998 brought us the movies "Deep Impact" and "Armageddon", for better and for worse. Respectively.
Thing are about to change a lot Chez BA, but at least I can show you some extremely cool images of Saturn from JWST
The gravitational wave background, long theorized to exist, has been detected
NGC 7292 is an odd little thing, but so very, very pretty
Photos I took through my telescope show the Sun dotted with sunspots, and more
Special Issue #3: Lots of news from BA HQ for you lovely Galaxy Class subscribers.
An image of the new and nearby supernova SN2023ixf will delight your eyeballs
Using a clever and subtle technique, astronomers have found a black hole that’s only 3,800 light-years from us. The tell: It’s tossing around a star with the mass of the Sun like a ball on a string.
We can actually see the motion of gas screaming away from the site of a supernova, one of the most singular violent events in the cosmos
Mars looking pretty panchromatic, plus my book is one of the best of 2023 so far!
a) Japanese space mission crash site spotted, and 2) flexible solar panels have been invented