Exploding stars are rarely close enough to see by eye, but it happens. Also: a very cool galaxy with three rings.
A rally across the nation to protest the attacks on science and scientists
It’ll likely drop to zero, but it may be a while before we know for sure
Images of a plethora of cometary belts around other stars, and a new way to look at extreme events
The odds of an impact recently topped 2%, but we may learn more soon
Amazing Einstein ring seen in a nearby galaxy as its gravity warps the fabric of spacetime
Earth’s quasi-moon hung out last year but its origin was a mystery until now
The collision caused easily visible multiple rings of stars to ripple outward
Science is under siege like never before in the US. What can we do?
Plus an interesting video about climate change risk in housing
Another cool JWST observation shocks astronomers. Literally.
A mind-blowing super-hi-res image of our galaxy’s sibling