Playing with my phonecam on a trip home revealed more than I expected
This is an astronomy newsletter, so I gotta cover a lot of ground. And ocean. And sky.
They’re ancient remnants of stars from galaxies our own galaxy ate
Infrared light reveals how fiercely luminous stars are destroying the iconic nebula
WISE 0855 is the seventh closest object in interstellar space to the Sun
Stars die, and that may feel sad, but it’s also pretty danged pretty. Also: Voyager 1 is alive! ALIIIIVE!
It seems rude, but it’s kinda the planets’ fault. Bonus: One lunar mission photographs another.
Simulations show a low-angle but huge impact carved out Sputnik Planitia, one of the lobes of Pluto’s heart-shaped feature
These bizarre cosmic explosions are still a mystery, but we have lots of ideas
Astronomers found the black hole as it tosses its companion star around
What should you do with your eclipse glasses now that it’s over?, and an amazing shot of a comet during totality.
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