The spacecraft took some pretty cool shots of the tiny, lumpy moon
Also, come see me at GalaxyCon in Richmond, Virginia, March 27-29!
The nearest solo star in the Universe has four planets orbiting it, and I still love “Lost in Space”
Links and info about the March 13/14 event, and a cool graph shows how predicted risk drops
The national rally was fantastic, but the attacks won’t stop
Firefly’s lander made a dynamite video of its descent, and my ruminations over skepticism
The planet K2-360b is likely metal, and the crater image is too.
Astronomers used a new technique to find the building-sized rocks, the smallest ever seen at that distance
Exploding stars are rarely close enough to see by eye, but it happens. Also: a very cool galaxy with three rings.
A rally across the nation to protest the attacks on science and scientists
It’ll likely drop to zero, but it may be a while before we know for sure
Images of a plethora of cometary belts around other stars, and a new way to look at extreme events