At a redshift of 15, that would be trouble for our understanding of the Universe. But it might just be a closer galaxy trying to fool us.
They’re also rather pretty to look at, too
That’s a really long jet. Yegads.
Goodbye photos from an asteroid-bound spacecraft, plus the Sun is at its activity peak now
Gliese 229B is actually two of these weird objects in a tight orbit around each other
The red dwarf is part of the Fomalhaut trinary star system
A powerful solar storm graced us with gorgeous aurorae, but they are also a warning
We’re finding more asteroids with moons!
Sgr A* is misaligned with the galaxy. An ancient collision may have knocked it off balance.
Asteroid 2024 ON sneaked up on us, and a gorgeous Hubble shot of NGC 3430
This system shows us what Earth may be like in oh, say, 8 billion years